Gb4000 Frequency List

Rife 101 Machine

James Folsom, who was convicted of 26 felonies related to the Rife device sales ('NatureTronics", AstroPulse), BioSolutions), ’Energy Wellness' and?Global Wellness') was sentenced by a U. They had entrainment scores of 60 percent at both speeds, which is the average number of breaths that started at approximately the same point in the stride cycle. Between 250 and 8000Hz are the most important frequencies for language and speech. Electrodes are attached to the skin during a biofeedback session. The majority of biofeedback sessions occur in the office of a psychotherapist. He believed that if he could identify the frequencies of diseases, he would be able to find a frequency similar or higher and destroy them. Gb4000 Frequency List

Rife Frequency Machine For Sale